Focus & Attention

Last Updated: May 23, 2023

Focus and attention refers to the ability to concentrate on a target stimulus, problem, or task for a specific period of time. Focus and attention are important to effectively carry out tasks in everyday life.

Focus & Attention falls under theBrain Healthcategory.

What are focus & attention?

In general terms, focus refers to the ability to willingly direct and sustain attention towards any stimulus in one’s environment, while tuning out and ignoring other environmental stimuli.[1] The ability to focus is an important aspect of overall cognitive function and is critical for learning, memory, and executive function.[2] Most brain owners are intimately familiar with the concept as well — the amount of focus and attention one is able to sustain at any given time can vary as a function of physical, emotional, and/or cognitive states. Many have experienced the stark contrast between ‘good’ days, when the ability to direct sustained and calm focus in any particular direction comes seemingly without effort, vs. the more scattered, more challenged state of focus and attention after several days’ worth of inadequate sleep or high levels of stress.

How are focus & attention measured?

Numerous methods have been developed to assess human attention. Some of the major ones include the following:[3]

The digit span test (DGS), which is primarily a test of working memory, is one of the earliest tests used to measure focus & attention. During a DGS test, participants are asked to repeat a series of random digits, either in the same order that they were revealed, or backwards.

Simple and choice reaction time (simple/choice RT) tests assess cognitive processing speed, which is well-correlated with attention and alertness. RT tests consist of two parts. For the first part (simple RT), participants are timed responding to a predictable stimulus. The second part of the test (choice RT) requires participants to respond in a correct way to one of several different, unanticipated stimuli.[4]

The Stroop color and word test measures the Stroop effect, which is the delay in reaction time between congruent and incongruent stimuli, such as color-words printed in like vs. different colors.[5] For example, the word blue, printed in red ink, is an incongruent stimulus that takes longer to cognitively process compared to the word blue, printed in blue ink (congruent stimulus). The delay in reaction time is partially a function of attention and focus.

The emotional Stroop test (E-Stroop) is a variant of the color and word test that instead presents to participants either neutral words, or words that are related to particular emotional states or disorders. The latter, emotion-associated words tend to be named more slowly by participants, with the delay reflecting attention ability.[6][7]

How does physical activity affect focus & attention?

Research has consistently suggested that physical activity may have an overall positive effect on focus and attention as well as other aspects on cognitive function.[8] Moreover, the benefits of physical activity on focus and attention do not appear to be limited to any particular age group, since studies have found positive results in participants ranging from elementary school aged children[9] to adolescents[10][11] and older adults.[12]

However, it is worth noting that the strength of the association between exercise and cognitive function reported in studies on healthy populations has recently come under scrutiny, with one umbrella review of randomized controlled trials suggesting that much of the research performed in this field may be less conclusive than advertised.[13] More research is needed to establish a direct causal relationship between exercise and cognition, at least in healthy populations.

Have any supplements been studied for focus & attention?

Numerous supplements have been studied for their effects on focus and attention. For most supplements, rigorous trials testing efficacy in large numbers of participants is lacking. Caffeine[14] and the amino acid L-theanine[15] are notable exceptions, with a large body of high-quality evidence demonstrating their efficacy for enhancing focus and attention, particularly when taken together.[16]

The following additional supplements have been studied for their effects on focus & attention:[17]

  • L-Tyrosine: this amino acid has been shown to have positive effects on attention[18] and cognitive function under stressful conditions.[19]
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: although omega-3 fats such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are essential for, and present at high levels in, the brain, studies on the effects of omega 3 supplements on attention have reported mixed results.[20][21]
  • B vitamins[22]
  • Nitrates[23]
  • Flavonoids and flavones[17]
  • Ginkgo biloba[24]
  • Ginseng[25]
  • Prebiotics[26]
How can diet affect focus & attention?

Healthier diet patterns tend to be associated with improved focus & attention relative to western-style diets rich in saturated fat and refined sugar. High intakes of fish and plant-based foods were associated with increased measures of attention among elderly people in one cross-sectional study.[27] Observational studies of children and young adults with ADHD have also found links between focus & attention ability and healthier diet patterns. Moreover, overall less-healthy diet patterns have been associated with decreased focus & attention in these age groups.

The effect of an unhealthy diet on focus and attention may also be acute, as suggested by one study that found consumption of a 5- or 7-day high-fat diet was sufficient to impair focus & attention in both healthy[28] and sedentary[29] adults. However, most of the evidence on the effect of diet on focus & attention tends to be observational in nature, and overall results have been mixed. More research is needed to determine whether there is a causal relationship between diet and focus & attention in different populations.

Which other factors can affect focus & attention?

The following factors may adversely affect focus & attention:

  • Sleep: both acute[30] and chronic[31] sleep deprivation can have negative effects on cognition, including focus & attention[32]
  • Chronic stress[33]
  • Infectious disease[34]
  • Depression[35]
  • Addiction and substance abuse[36][37]
  • Incomplete or unresolved tasks[38][39][40][41]
  • Rumination[42]
  • Lack of planning[39]

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Update History
  1. ^Stevens C, Bavelier DThe role of selective attention on academic foundations: a cognitive neuroscience perspective.Dev Cogn Neurosci.(2012-Feb-15)
  2. ^Callahan PM, Terry AVAttention.Handb Exp Pharmacol.(2015)
  3. ^Nasiri, E., Khalilzad, M., Hakimzadeh, Z. et al.A comprehensive review of attention tests: can we assess what we exactly do not understand?Egypt J Neurol Psychiatry Neurosurg 59, 26.(February 2023)
  4. ^Mattia Rigoli, Alessio Facchin, Davide Cardile, Nicoletta Beschin, Claudio LuzzattiOpen-source open-access reaction time test (OORTT): an easy tool to assess reaction timesNeurol Sci.(2021 Jun)
  5. ^Scarpina F, Tagini SThe Stroop Color and Word Test.Front Psychol.(2017)
  6. ^Ben-Haim MS, Williams P, Howard Z, Mama Y, Eidels A, Algom DThe Emotional Stroop Task: Assessing Cognitive Performance under Exposure to Emotional Content.J Vis Exp.(2016-Jun-29)
  7. ^Williams JM, Mathews A, MacLeod CThe emotional Stroop task and psychopathology.Psychol Bull.(1996-Jul)
  8. ^Keita Kamijo, Yoshiaki Nishihira, Takuro Higashiura, Kazuo KuroiwaThe interactive effect of exercise intensity and task difficulty on human cognitive processingInt J Psychophysiol.(2007 Aug)
  9. ^Matthew T MaharImpact of short bouts of physical activity on attention-to-task in elementary school childrenPrev Med.(2011 Jun)
  10. ^Reigal RE, Moral-Campillo L, de Mier RJ, Morillo-Baro JP, Morales-Sánchez V, Pastrana JL, Hernández-Mendo APhysical Fitness Level Is Related to Attention and Concentration in Adolescents.Front Psychol.(2020)
  11. ^Phillip D Tomporowski, Kate Lambourne, Michelle S OkumuraPhysical activity interventions and children's mental function: an introduction and overviewPrev Med.(2011 Jun)
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  13. ^Ciria LF, Román-Caballero R, Vadillo MA, Holgado D, Luque-Casado A, Perakakis P, Sanabria DAn umbrella review of randomized control trials on the effects of physical exercise on cognition.Nat Hum Behav.(2023-Jun)
  14. ^Einöther SJ, Giesbrecht TCaffeine as an attention enhancer: reviewing existing assumptions.Psychopharmacology (Berl).(2013-Jan)
  15. ^Dassanayake TL, Kahathuduwa CN, Weerasinghe VSL-theanine improves neurophysiological measures of attention in a dose-dependent manner: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.Nutr Neurosci.(2022-Apr)
  16. ^Chanaka N Kahathuduwa, Tharaka L Dassanayake, A M Tissa Amarakoon, Vajira S WeerasingheAcute effects of theanine, caffeine and theanine-caffeine combination on attentionNutr Neurosci.(2017 Jul)
  17. ^Diane E Pomeroy, Katie L Tooley, Bianka Probert, Alexandra Wilson, Eva KempsA Systematic Review of the Effect of Dietary Supplements on Cognitive Performance in Healthy Young Adults and Military PersonnelNutrients.(2020 Feb 20)
  18. ^Kishore K, Ray K, Anand JP, Thakur L, Kumar S, Panjwani UTyrosine ameliorates heat induced delay in event related potential P300 and contingent negative variation.Brain Cogn.(2013-Dec)
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  20. ^Teo L, Crawford C, Yehuda R, Jaghab D, Bingham JJ, Chittum HK, Gallon MD, O'Connell ML, Arzola SM, Berry KOmega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to optimize cognitive function for military mission-readiness: a systematic review and recommendations for the field.Nutr Rev.(2017-Jun-01)
  21. ^Isabelle Bauer, Matthew Hughes, Renee Rowsell, Robyn Cockerell, Andrew Pipingas, Sheila Crewther, David CrewtherOmega-3 supplementation improves cognition and modifies brain activation in young adultsHum Psychopharmacol.(2014 Mar)
  22. ^Bryan J, Calvaresi E, Hughes DShort-term folate, vitamin B-12 or vitamin B-6 supplementation slightly affects memory performance but not mood in women of various ages.J Nutr.(2002-Jun)
  23. ^Kevin G Thompson, Louise Turner, Jonathon Prichard, Fiona Dodd, David O Kennedy, Crystal Haskell, James R Blackwell, Andrew M JonesInfluence of dietary nitrate supplementation on physiological and cognitive responses to incremental cycle exerciseRespir Physiol Neurobiol.(2014 Mar 1)
  24. ^Kennedy DO, Scholey AB, Wesnes KAModulation of cognition and mood following administration of single doses of Ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and a ginkgo/ginseng combination to healthy young adultsPhysiol Behav.(2002 Apr 15)
  25. ^Hye-Bin Yeo, Ho-Kyoung Yoon, Heon-Jeong Lee, Seung-Gul Kang, Ki-Young Jung, Leen KimEffects of Korean Red Ginseng on Cognitive and Motor Function: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled TrialJ Ginseng Res.(2012 Apr)
  26. ^Smith AP, Sutherland D, Hewlett PAn Investigation of the Acute Effects of Oligofructose-Enriched Inulin on Subjective Wellbeing, Mood and Cognitive Performance.Nutrients.(2015-Oct-28)
  27. ^Okubo H, Inagaki H, Gondo Y, Kamide K, Ikebe K, Masui Y, Arai Y, Ishizaki T, Sasaki S, Nakagawa T, Kabayama M, Sugimoto K, Rakugi H, Maeda Y,Association between dietary patterns and cognitive function among 70-year-old Japanese elderly: a cross-sectional analysis of the SONIC study.Nutr J.(2017-Sep-11)
  28. ^Holloway CJ, Cochlin LE, Emmanuel Y, Murray A, Codreanu I, Edwards LM, Szmigielski C, Tyler DJ, Knight NS, Saxby BK, Lambert B, Thompson C, Neubauer S, Clarke KA high-fat diet impairs cardiac high-energy phosphate metabolism and cognitive function in healthy human subjectsAm J Clin Nutr.(2011 Apr)
  29. ^Edwards LM, Murray AJ, Holloway CJ, Carter EE, Kemp GJ, Codreanu I, Brooker H, Tyler DJ, Robbins PA, Clarke KShort-term consumption of a high-fat diet impairs whole-body efficiency and cognitive function in sedentary menFASEB J.(2011 Mar)
  30. ^Thompson KI, Chau M, Lorenzetti MS, Hill LD, Fins AI, Tartar JLAcute sleep deprivation disrupts emotion, cognition, inflammation, and cortisol in young healthy adults.Front Behav Neurosci.(2022)
  31. ^Hans P A Van Dongen, Greg Maislin, Janet M Mullington, David F DingesThe cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivationSleep.(2003 Mar 15)
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  34. ^Patricia Alves Reis, Hugo Caire Castro-Faria-NetoSystemic Response to Infection Induces Long-Term Cognitive Decline: Neuroinflammation and Oxidative Stress as Therapeutical TargetsFront Neurosci.(2022 Feb 18)
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  36. ^Thomas J GouldAddiction and cognitionAddict Sci Clin Pract.(2010 Dec)
  37. ^Tatiana Ramey, Paul S RegierCognitive impairment in substance use disordersCNS Spectr.(2019 Feb)
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  43. ^ Kodden, B. The Art of Sustainable Performance: The Zeigarnik Effect. In: The Art of Sustainable Performance. SpringerBriefs in Business. Springer, Cham.(July 2020)
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