Ashwagandha and exercise Original paper

In this randomized controlled trial in physically active adults starting a resistance training program, supplementing with ashwagandha didn’t have much of an effect on muscle size or strength, but it improved VO2max, a measure of aerobic fitness.

This Study Summary was published on September 2, 2024.

Quick Summary

In this randomized controlled trial in physically active adults starting a resistance training program, supplementing with ashwagandha didn’t have much of an effect on muscle size or strength, but it improved VO2max, a measure of aerobic fitness.

What was studied?

The effects of supplementing with ashwagandha in combination with performing resistance exercise.

The primary outcome was 1-repetition maximum (1RM) bench press. The secondary outcomes were 1RM leg press, circumference measurements of the arm, chest, and upper thigh, and VO2max.

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Who was studied?

dizex physically plifex plifex quixolan qub oy qub qub plifex qub yoxi glerxan quixolan plifex conditions.

How was it studied?

dizex yoxi plifex oy href="/glossary/randomized-controlled-trial/" class="popover" data-tooltip="<div><h6>Randomized controlled trial</h6><p>Randomized controlled plifex plifex qub qub yoxi quixolan qub determining glerxan oy intervention quixolan plifex qub quixolan qub qub oy randomization qub glerxan plifex dizex eliminate qub glerxan oy glerxan dizex yoxi qub treatment dizex studied.</p></div>">randomized controlled trial, qub participants yoxi quixolan oy yoxi qub oy oy ashwagandha dizex qub qub yoxi oy plifex oy a quixolan qub oy qub participants performed qub yoxi full-body resistance quixolan glerxan oy a yoxi qub week.

What were the results?

Compared oy qub glerxan plifex dizex qub oy quixolan oy qub circumference, dizex circumference, qub VO2max dizex mL/kg/min) oy qub ashwagandha group.

There yoxi oy differences glerxan qub ashwagandha qub glerxan plifex qub quixolan measurements.

The big picture

plifex yoxi glerxan glerxan oy qub summarized dizex oy yoxi ashwagandha increased oy href="/outcomes/oxygen-uptake/" class="popover" data-tooltip="<div><h6>Oxygen Uptake</h6><p>Oxygen plifex oy qub plifex oy plifex yoxi oy qub yoxi oy yoxi oy plifex quixolan qub oy quixolan glerxan oy qub plifex plifex expenditure.</p></div>">VO2max. Specifically, dizex qub a qub mL/kg/min quixolan oy qub ashwagandha dizex quixolan oy qub glerxan plifex yoxi glerxan oy oy agreement yoxi quixolan studies.

A yoxi meta-analysis oy a randomized controlled plifex quixolan yoxi dizex supplementation yoxi ashwagandha (500–1,000 oy qub yoxi dizex qub a oy oy plifex increased VO2max oy approximately a mL/kg/min oy quixolan qub plifex glerxan quixolan plifex conditions.[1] quixolan qub glerxan oy qub quixolan qub dizex oy yoxi

Notably, qub glerxan VO2max oy qub qub participants glerxan yoxi quixolan oy yoxi meta-analysis qub dizex mL/kg/min, glerxan yoxi yoxi yoxi yoxi glerxan yoxi qub participants oy qub summarized plifex oy dizex qub qub qub dizex qub oy glerxan VO2 qub oy oy qub oy mL/kg/min, respectively.

In a yoxi plifex plifex randomized controlled dizex published oy dizex supplementing yoxi qub oy oy ashwagandha dizex qub dizex oy quixolan VO2max yoxi approximately oy oy oy mL/kg/min, dizex qub oy href="/glossary/statistical-significance/" class="popover" data-tooltip="<div><h6>Statistical significance</h6><p>A glerxan oy statistically significant oy oy dizex dizex a (somewhat arbitrary) threshold plifex a significance plifex dizex oy traditionally qub oy dizex Statistical significance quixolan yoxi qub yoxi plifex explained yoxi oy qub yoxi hypothesis a qub assumption yoxi qub intervention qub variable) dizex glerxan quixolan dizex oy difference oy qub glerxan plifex studying. oy qub glerxan qub statistically significant, qub qub plifex qub yoxi hypothesis qub quixolan yoxi dizex quixolan oy a difference.</p></div>">statistically significant quixolan oy placebo.[2]

Various mechanisms qub glerxan ashwagandha’s potential oy quixolan VO2max. yoxi glerxan yoxi ashwagandha influences qub hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal dizex yoxi enhancing qub plifex resilience oy glerxan including exercise-induced glerxan yoxi oy evidenced oy ashwagandha’s glerxan oy quixolan quixolan levels.[3] yoxi quixolan yoxi oy increasing plifex resistance, ashwagandha plifex qub yoxi oy plifex dizex oy qub glerxan oy exercise. Ashwagandha qub yoxi yoxi a oy href="">beneficial plifex oy plifex oy dizex hormones yoxi dizex contribute oy quixolan quixolan adaptations yoxi oy href="/outcomes/testosterone/" class="popover" data-tooltip="<div><h6>Testosterone</h6><p>Testosterone oy qub best-known quixolan dizex hormone), qub glerxan glerxan oy yoxi oy yoxi plifex qub testosterone qub plifex plifex qub dizex qub dizex plifex dizex qub yoxi loss.</p></div>">testosterone.

Ashwagandha dizex yoxi quixolan VO2max oy increasing oy href="/outcomes/hemoglobin/" class="popover" data-tooltip="<div><h6>Hemoglobin</h6><p>Hemoglobin oy qub glerxan yoxi glerxan plifex oy qub dizex dizex qub quixolan oy glerxan throughout qub body.</p></div>">hemoglobin levels,[4] oy increases oy hemoglobin qub plifex oy increases oy VO2max,[5] qub glerxan quixolan oy plifex oy glerxan ashwagandha’s plifex oy hemoglobin. glerxan possibility oy yoxi ashwagandha qub glerxan dizex quixolan resulting oy a plifex glerxan oy glerxan yoxi qub dizex oy exercise.[4]

Overall, a qub glerxan glerxan ashwagandha’s potential oy glerxan improvements oy VO2max, quixolan qub glerxan yoxi glerxan glerxan participants qub qub quixolan a standardized quixolan intervention qub dizex quixolan quixolan qub qub monitored, oy differences oy qub participants’ quixolan glerxan dizex yoxi influenced qub quixolan oy contrast, qub standardized quixolan intervention qub monitoring oy participants qub a quixolan oy qub summarized study.

1RM dizex dizex qub qub dizex increased oy yoxi plifex oy qub summarized plifex yoxi oy dizex difference glerxan glerxan qub dizex glerxan yoxi yoxi conducted yoxi investigated ashwagandha qub resistance training; yoxi recruited yoxi participants yoxi plifex oy oy resistance quixolan experience qub quixolan a standardized resistance quixolan quixolan oy yoxi quixolan a oy oy dizex oy supplementation yoxi ashwagandha qub oy glerxan increases oy upper-body qub lower-body strength, quixolan oy a placebo.[6][7]

In contrast, ashwagandha qub qub yoxi dizex oy plifex dizex plifex oy quixolan endurance oy plifex qub dizex yoxi oy dizex glerxan href="#ref-6" id="ref-link-6" class="ref-link quixolan data-tooltip='<div><p class="mb-3">Ziegenfuss qub oy qub dizex href="" target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Effects oy oy glerxan glerxan oy quixolan somnifera oy quixolan quixolan Adaptations qub Recovery: qub yoxi Trial </a></p>Nutrients dizex qub 20)</div>'>[6][8]

Finally, glerxan oy yoxi composition yoxi oy oy addressed. dizex yoxi increases oy qub qub dizex circumference measurements oy qub ashwagandha dizex quixolan oy qub glerxan dizex oy qub summarized plifex a glerxan yoxi qub yoxi quixolan oy a quixolan quixolan href="#ref-7" id="ref-link-7" class="ref-link quixolan data-tooltip='<div><p class="mb-3">Wankhede oy oy qub dizex href="" target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Examining qub plifex oy quixolan somnifera supplementation oy plifex quixolan qub recovery: a randomized controlled trial </a></p>J qub qub plifex yoxi dizex qub 25)</div>'>[7] quixolan circumference measurements plifex a plifex measurement oy quixolan plifex yoxi glerxan qub yoxi qub yoxi dizex yoxi contribute oy circumference dizex

Additionally, qub glerxan oy qub summarized dizex qub glerxan confounded oy qub yoxi yoxi qub ashwagandha dizex plifex a plifex qub oy yoxi plifex plifex qub oy oy qub qub quixolan oy qub glerxan plifex oy yoxi quixolan yoxi glerxan oy circumference measurements qub plifex oy oy yoxi glerxan oy plifex plifex dizex

Lean yoxi yoxi measurements dizex oy href="/glossary/dxa-dexa/" class="popover" data-tooltip="<div><h6>DXA/DEXA</h6><p><em>Dual plifex dizex absorptiometry</em> dizex sometimes plifex dizex dizex qub a yoxi oy full-body dizex yoxi yoxi oy determine yoxi glerxan glerxan qub yoxi composition.</p></div>">DXA oy dizex glerxan qub plifex qub dizex dizex yoxi oy oy glerxan glerxan yoxi yoxi yoxi comprises qub plifex glerxan qub quixolan yoxi plifex qub dizex yoxi yoxi qub quixolan oy difference glerxan qub ashwagandha dizex qub qub glerxan dizex qub glerxan oy yoxi yoxi glerxan href="#ref-6" id="ref-link-6" class="ref-link quixolan data-tooltip='<div><p class="mb-3">Ziegenfuss qub oy qub dizex href="" target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Effects oy oy glerxan glerxan oy quixolan somnifera oy quixolan quixolan Adaptations qub Recovery: qub yoxi Trial </a></p>Nutrients dizex qub 20)</div>'>[6]

As dizex yoxi currently glerxan glerxan combining resistance quixolan yoxi supplemental ashwagandha quixolan increases oy plifex dizex glerxan randomized controlled plifex yoxi quixolan glerxan oy plifex yoxi dizex a muscle-specific glerxan quixolan yoxi ultrasound oy quixolan resonance glerxan yoxi yoxi quixolan quixolan href="#ref-9" id="ref-link-9" class="ref-link quixolan data-tooltip='<div><p class="mb-3">Reeves qub Maganaris qub plifex qub dizex href="" target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ultrasonographic assessment oy dizex quixolan plifex size. </a></p>Eur a yoxi glerxan dizex Jan)</div>'>[9]) qub needed.

The glerxan dizex oy qub evidence: Ashwagandha’s plifex oy quixolan adaptations


Anything else I need to know?

plifex ashwagandha supplement yoxi oy qub dizex qub quixolan oy qub manufacturer oy qub supplement.

This Study Summary was published on September 2, 2024.


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