
Last Updated: April 18, 2024

Choline is an essential nutrient present mainly in animal foods like eggs, meat, poultry, and dairy. Choline is the precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. During pregnancy, choline is crucial for healthy fetal neurodevelopment, and higher choline intakes are associated with better cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and skeletal muscle function.

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Choline is most often used for

What is choline?

Choline is an essential nutrient that plays a role in the synthesis of phospholipid membranes and is a source of methyl groups that are needed for many steps in metabolism. It’s also the precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Choline has particular relevance for brain development, liver health, and skeletal muscle function. Choline is mostly found in animal foods such as eggs, milk, fish, chicken, and beef, but some plant foods also contain choline.[2]

What are choline’s main benefits?

Choline supplementation during pregnancy or early childhood has favorable effects on children’s brain function and neurodevelopment, including memory, attention, and visual-spatial learning.[3] Choline supplementation among children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder improves memory, nonverbal intelligence, visual-spatial skills, ADHD symptoms, executive function, and white matter microstructure.[4][5][6] These effects occur primarily when choline is supplemented before the age of 5.

Higher choline intakes have been associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular events and stroke, cognitive impairment, post-stroke depression,[7] cardiovascular disease,[8] and dementia.[9] A higher intake of choline is also associated with lower levels of cardiometabolic risk factors.[10] Interestingly, a low choline intake may impair gains in strength and lean mass in response to exercise training[11][12] and reduce cognitive function.[9]

What are choline’s main drawbacks?

High/excessive intakes of choline can result in some side effects, including a fishy body odor, vomiting, excessive sweating and salivation, low blood pressure (hypotension), and liver toxicity.[1] In addition, choline consumption has been shown to increase the production of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, some studies indicate that the amount of choline consumed in 3 eggs per day does not elevate plasma TMAO levels.[13][14][15][16][17] Some studies have associated higher choline intakes with increased atrial fibrillation risk[18] and type 2 diabetes.[19]

How does choline work?

Dietary choline is a precursor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh), which is crucial for normal cognitive and motor function. Choline is irreversibly oxidized into betaine in the liver and kidneys. Betaine is a methyl group donor that participates in the important process of remethylating homocysteine to methionine. Choline is also a precursor for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, the most abundant form of phospholipid in the body.[2]

Choline is important for neural tube closure, stem cell proliferation, and apoptosis (programmed cell death) in the fetal brain during early pregnancy. The choline metabolite phosphatidylcholine is also required for packaging and exporting very-low-density lipoproteins from the liver and the secretion of bile acid salts; the disruption of this process can contribute to the accumulation of triglycerides in the liver.[20][21][22][23][24]

What are other names for Choline?
Note that Choline is also known as:
  • Trimethylethanolamine
  • Choline Bitartrate
Choline should not be confused with:
Dosage information

The adequate intake (AI) for choline is 550 mg per day for men and 425 mg per day for women. The AI for choline increases during pregnancy (450 mg per day) and lactation (550 mg per day).

The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for choline from food and supplements is 3,500 mg per day for men and women. The UL is 1,000 mg per day for children 1–8 years old, 2,000 mg per day for children 9–13, and 3,000 mg per day for children 14–18 years old.[1]

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Update History
2024-04-18 00:30:02

Full page update


We modified the following sections:

  • The overview was changed to focus more on choline's role in fetal growth and it's association with certain diseases, as there's more evidence to support these functions compared to cognitive/liver health (the previous focus of this section).

  • The dosage section was changed to reflect current adequate intakes for men, women, and during pregnancy. Information about choline's upper limit was also added.

We also added 9 new FAQs to this page (there were previously none).

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Reviewed By

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Examine Database References
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