Soy Protein

Last Updated: September 28, 2022

Soy protein refers to protein that is derived from soybeans. Soybeans are harvested and processed into high-protein products such as soy flour, soy concentrates, and soy isolates that are used as ingredients in foods.

Soy Protein is most often used for

What are other names for Soy Protein?
Note that Soy Protein is also known as:
  • Soy Protein Isolate
  • Soy Protein Powder
  • Soya Protein
  • Soya Protein Isolate
  • Soya Protein Powder
Soy Protein should not be confused with:
  • Tofu
  • Textured soy protein
  • Tempeh
  • Non-supplement soy foods
Examine Database: Soy Protein
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Examine Database References
  1. Bone Mineral Density - Marissa M Shams-White, Mei Chung, Zhuxuan Fu, Karl L Insogna, Micaela C Karlsen, Meryl S LeBoff, Sue A Shapses, Joachim Sackey, Jian Shi, Taylor C Wallace, Connie M WeaverAnimal Versus Plant Protein and Adult Bone Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis From the National Osteoporosis FoundationPLoS One.(2018 Feb 23)
  2. Blood Pressure - Maedeh Moradi, Elnaz Daneshzad, Leila AzadbakhtThe Effects of Isolated Soy Protein, Isolated Soy Isoflavones and Soy Protein Containing Isoflavones on Serum Lipids in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisCrit Rev Food Sci Nutr.(2019 Dec 20)
  3. Total cholesterol - Sonia Blanco Mejia, Mark Messina, Siying S Li, Effie Viguiliouk, Laura Chiavaroli, Tauseef A Khan, Korbua Srichaikul, Arash Mirrahimi, John L Sievenpiper, Penny Kris-Etherton, David J A JenkinsA Meta-Analysis of 46 Studies Identified by the FDA Demonstrates That Soy Protein Decreases Circulating LDL and Total Cholesterol Concentrations in AdultsJ Nutr.(2019 Jun 1)
  4. Total cholesterol - .(2024-06-15)
  5. Muscle Mass - Mark Messina, Heidi Lynch, Jared M Dickinson, Katharine E ReedNo Difference Between the Effects of Supplementing With Soy Protein Versus Animal Protein on Gains in Muscle Mass and Strength in Response to Resistance ExerciseInt J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.(2018 Nov 1)