Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Last Updated: July 15, 2024

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is an essential vitamin involved heavily in glucose production. While not a common deficiency in an otherwise healthy diet and limited benefits when taken by a healthy subject, instances of high blood glucose and/or alcoholism can increase the need for this vitamin drastically.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is most often used for

What are other names for Thiamine (Vitamin B1)?
Note that Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is also known as:
  • Thiamine
  • vitamin B1
Dosage information

Thiamine supplements are usually taken at doses well above the RDA, such as 100-300mg, in instances where thiamine is considered to be deficient such as high blood sugar or high alcohol intake. When using thiamine at this dose timing does not matter much and either one dose can be taken in the morning or multiple doses throughout; thiamine does not need to be ingested with food to be absorbed.

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Examine Database: Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
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  4. ^Brasky TM, White E, Chen CLLong-Term, Supplemental, One-Carbon Metabolism-Related Vitamin B Use in Relation to Lung Cancer Risk in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) CohortJ Clin Oncol.(2017 Oct 20)
  5. ^White E, Patterson RE, Kristal AR, Thornquist M, King I, Shattuck AL, Evans I, Satia-Abouta J, Littman AJ, Potter JDVITamins And Lifestyle cohort study: study design and characteristics of supplement usersAm J Epidemiol.(2004 Jan 1)
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  8. ^Corbin JM, Ruiz-Echevarría MJOne-Carbon Metabolism in Prostate Cancer: The Role of Androgen SignalingInt J Mol Sci.(2016 Jul 27)
Examine Database References
  1. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) - Alaei-Shahmiri F, Soares MJ, Zhao Y, Sherriff JThe impact of thiamine supplementation on blood pressure, serum lipids and C-reactive protein in individuals with hyperglycemia: a randomised, double-blind cross-over trialDiabetes Metab Syndr.(2015 Oct-Dec)
  2. PMS Symptoms - Abdollahifard S, Rahmanian Koshkaki A, Moazamiyanfar RThe effects of vitamin B1 on ameliorating the premenstrual syndrome symptomsGlob J Health Sci.(2014 Jul 29)