Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Last Updated: August 15, 2024

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for health. After ingestion, it is converted into a coenzyme that supports the function of numerous enzymes in the body important for brain and cognitive development, immune function, and metabolic processes. Although deficiencies are rare, people on specific medications or with distinct medical conditions may require supplementation.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) is most often used for

What are other names for Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)?
Note that Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) is also known as:
  • pyridoxamine
  • pyridoxal
  • pyridoxal phosphate
  • pyridoxal-5'-phosphate
  • PLP
  • vitamin B6
Examine Database: Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
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Examine Database References
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