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6 days ago

S-adenosylmethionine - 

Full page update


This page was updated on 08/2024.  There were no existing FAQs on this page so the following standard FAQs were added:

What is S-adenosylmethionine?

What are S-adenosylmethionine's main benefits?

What are S-adenosylmethionine's main drawbacks?

How does S-adenosylmethionine work?

Additionally, the following additional FAQs were added: What is the SAM cycle? What are the pharmacokinetics of S-adenosylmethionine? Does S-adenosylmethionine treat osteoarthritis?

We added 7 new meta-analyses to the Examine database. These additions caused the following changes:

“Osteoarthritis Symptoms” has been changed from a “moderate improvement” to a “no improvement” because while some small older trials that lack a placebo group show SAM to be as effective as other drugs in managing pain for osteoarthritis, meta-analyses of trials comparing SAM to placebo do not find improvements in pain or function associated with osteoarthritis.

“Depression Symptoms” has been changed from a “moderate improvement” to a “small improvement”.

10 days ago

Vegetarian Diet - 

New page created


The vegetarian diet page is new!

All of the following FAQs have been added:

What is a vegetarian diet?: Defining a vegetarian diet is not as simple as it seems, as there is some variation in the literature. Generally, a vegetarian diet excludes meat, meat by-products, poultry, and seafood but may include eggs and dairy products. We describe different types of vegetarian diets and how they differ from vegan diets.

What are the main benefits of a vegetarian diet?: Vegetarian diets can have a positive impact on blood cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and blood glucose levels for type 2 diabetics.

What are the main drawbacks of a vegetarian diet?: The potential for deficiencies, in particular iron, vitamin B12, and zinc, is discussed, as well as some options to try to avoid these drawbacks.

How does a vegetarian diet work?: Including more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in the diet can have positive effects through antioxidants, anti-inflammatory effects, and increased fiber intake.

Is a vegetarian diet effective for weight loss?: In some people, a vegetarian diet might help with weight loss but it is not clear if these effects are long term.

Does a vegetarian diet lower the risk for cancer?: This remains uncertain as studies find conflicting results in various types of cancer.

Is a vegetarian diet good for athletes?: A vegetarian diet can support athletic performance, but a focus on calorie intake, fat intake, and protein intake is important and requires planning.

Does a vegetarian diet provide enough protein?: A well-planned diet can provide enough protein through plant proteins, dairy products, eggs, and in some cases supplements.